Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bumper Stickers

What is it about a car that makes people want to advertise random facts and bits of information?  Personally, I will never disfigure my vehicle with any sort of slogan or picture, and I will likely never understand people who do.

My personal favorite is the honor roll bumper sticker.  We have all seen them: "My Kid is on the Honor Roll at Bla Bla Bla".  What demonstrates pride better than adhering a sticker to the back of your bumper?  I recently saw an interesting variation of this particular sticker.  It proclaimed, "I Love My Kid Even If He Is Not On The Honor Roll".

I could not help but think of ironic bumper stickers to add to this person's vehicle...something along the lines of, "My Kid Hates It When I Patronize Him", and of course, "If My Kid Were On The Honor Roll He Would Know What Patronize Means".

One recent trend that has become particularly annoying is the application of the family stickers on the back windows of mini-vans and SUVs.  The infamous stick figures which inventory each member of the family:
Photo From:

I can only hope that I do not end up with such a decal on my vehicle at any point in the future.  I am pretty sure that my wife to be feels the same way, but perhaps I should confirm...The only acceptable decals are the removable sort; the nice magnetic football helmets or school logos which can be removed during the off season if desired.

I suppose a bumper sticker is intended to make a bold statement, but I still contend that they are slightly absurd.  I do appreciate the American Pride bumper stickers, but I find it funny when people place them inside the window rather than adhering them permanently.  Such an application states, "I am proud to be and American, but not proud enough to make this a permanent badge on my bumper..." - If you are going to display such a sticker, at least stick it on...

At least those who plaster their cars with the stickers commit to doing so, although I chuckle a little when I see election bumper stickers from years ago.  Bush Cheney '04 Baby!

Ultimately, it is none of my business whether people decide to apply a bumper sticker.  Honestly, this entire blog post is pointless drivel, but hey, I didn't have anything funny or exciting to write about this week.  Sorry for wasting your time...

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