Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Looking Forward...

I wonder what our first argument will be as a married couple?  I am guessing it will pertain to travel arrangements for our honeymoon - not because we fight a lot, but because travelling can be stressful.  Granted, our arguments are not usually major as neither of us care to argue much.  We tend to get over things quickly and get back to having fun!

I am guessing I will incorrectly wash an item of clothing and ruin it (or an entire load) at some point in the first few months.  I will probably do it again in 10 years or so too...

It will likely take me some time to get used to always putting the toilet seat down...I should probably just make the guest bathroom "my" bathroom...My apologies to any visitors who find the seat up.  Caveat emptor I suppose.

I also wonder how many times I will forget to flush the toilet, not because I do not normally flush it, but because I have been spoiled by automatic toilets at work.  They flush with even the slightest movement, often before one has finished using the commode.

I will probably forget to stop and buy milk, or pick up a prescription, or drop off a letter at the post office.  

I will try to curb my spontaneous spending, but will inevitably splurge on something we do not need because that is how I roll.

Numerous times, I will ask her to repeat herself after I am unable to hear what she said, as it seems I am losing my hearing early...At least she is somewhat use to this as her Dad has already set the standard - "You want to go to Kansas?!"..."No, campus!  I want to go to CAMPUS!"

I will forget to set out the trash...

I will borrow her car and return it with the gas light on, thinking I will be able to fill it up before she needs it...but she will need it before I get around to putting gas in it.

Thinking about our future together, I know there will be many, many things I do which cause frustration.  I also know that at the end of the day, none of it will matter.  She loves me, and will forever.  I am looking forward to many years of love, happiness, frustration, experiences, travels, and everything else our marriage will bring.  I am looking forward to taking care of our marriage and paying attention to it more than anything else in this world.  I will actively participate in our love every day, and work my butt off to keep our marriage strong.  It will not be easy, but things which are best in life usually aren't.  The pay off from hard work is what makes them the best, and I cannot wait to make our marriage the best thing we both have ever experienced!

Looking forward to everything our life will bring...

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