Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It has been several weeks since my last post, and surprisingly, several people have mentioned that I am slacking.  I am happy that people care enough to notice my procrastination, and apologize for being so lazy...

I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane.  Some of you will not recognize the Bryan you are about to see in the images which follow.  Some of you will remember him fondly.  Some of you will laugh uncontrollably...Prepare for Bryan, circa 2002 to 2005....

Ambition and Potential

We will get things started with a glimpse at my Ball State University student ID.  This beauty brings back some memories...I chose to grow my hair out because honestly, I was not having any luck with the ladies when I had short hair, so I figured it couldn't hurt.  As it turned out, the long hair didn't help much either, but I sure tried.  I would go back to my parents house once a semester to have my Mom cut my hair.   Good times...These days, I would love to have just half of my hair back, but my forehead continues to get larger for some reason. 

The Classic "Less Than Sober" Look 

I am not sure where this picture was taken, but I am fairly certain I might have enjoyed a beverage or two prior to it being taken.  It looks as if I am about to yam all over the place, right?  You may notice the neck tie and button down shirt under that sweet hoodie.  I felt it was important to dress in the proper attire when drinking.

A Tale of Two Brothers

"One of these things is not like the other..." - I used to make fun of my brother for his lack of hair.  I once Photoshopped my magnificent mane onto his head for a birthday card.  Karma is now kicking my butt as my hairline retreats year after year.  We still enjoy goofing off with our nieces and nephew though...

Don't Wanna Brag, But...


Check out the pecks on that dude...Full disclosure: I was 117 pounds in the picture above, and I bet a good 2 pounds of that was hair!  Notice the classy PBR...I was clearly just getting started with my love of beer when this picture was taken.  I know this because it was not long after I started drinking beer that I went from that scrawny 117 pound hippie to a 170 pound graduate. 

Is That a Helmet?

I am not really sure what to say about this one...It sort of speaks for itself.  Let's just say that Michael Kelso had some major competition in the Muncie area.

Or was it Davy Jones?

I guess it would depend on the generation which serves as the point of reference.  While working at the frozen yogurt, or "fro-yo" joint, customers commented on my coiffed helmet head, claiming that it was similar to one of the aforementioned.  I just thought it would get me chicks...

Giddy Up


Halloween at the yogurt shop gave me the opportunity to break out the cowboy had and pistols.  It was a fun night, especially when a customer came in dressed as an Indian (dot, not feather - sorry if that is offensive to anyone...).  We posed for a cowboy and indian picture.  Probably not the most politically correct picture I have ever been a part of.  I guess after this blog post I cannot run for public office...

Our Lady

Our Grandma is an incredible woman and has inspired and taught me more than I can ever put into words.  I cannot express how much I love her, and I consider myself, and my family, blessed to have her.  That said, we clean up really well.  Just sayin'....

Composite Picture 

Here we have the classic cleaned-up Bryan, complete with dashing smile and snazzy neck tie.  This was the picture taken for my Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity composite.  Sadly, shortly after this picture was taken I decided that in order to seek gainful employment at some point I would need to cut my hair.  And thus ended the great hair experiment of 2002 through 2005.

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